Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Leave Me Alone…I’m Starving!!

I decided to go on a diet again, I was tired of feeling gross and greasy, I was eating out 4-7 times a week, maybe more. I would stop at places like Burger King, McDonalds, and Wendys and pick up a couple 700 calorie bites and then go home and have another supper. It was getting bad my knees hurt, my back hurt, I was not sleeping well, I was in constant pain. I had joined Weight Watchers back in Feb of 2009 and yo-yoed all over the place. With the amount of horrible fatty food I cooked and ate from Thanksgiving through the 2nd week of Jan, I came close to putting back on all the weight I lost in the prior year of dieting. I was mortified, I was at a loss, I didn’t think that I would ever lose weight, and I started to accept that I would just be big my entire life. Then something dawned on me, I hadn’t quit. I was still paying Weight Watchers and still attending meetings when weather would allow. I then remembered what one of the leaders said one day in a meeting, “I was resolved not to quit this time, I had started and stopped so many times, I just decided to keep going until I was ready to lose weight.” I thought that maybe I was resolved not to quit. We received a new leader and her positivity and encouragement really meant something to me, she didn’t know me, she didn’t have to listen to my problems and struggles, but she did. I could not wrap my head around why she cared about me, but she did. She had gone so far as giving me her e-mail address and business card. No other leader my 10 year “on again off again love hate” relationship with Weight Watchers has anyone ever put themselves out there like that for me. I think this struck a cord within me, though I have not used it yet. I found I had a new motivation and willpower to lose weight. I have not eaten out or even had a slice of bread in 41 days, and in those 41 days I have lost over 25 pounds. That is over ½ a pound a day over 100 sticks of butter, I have shed. I am still a work in progress, and learning why I am the way I am. I have a few leads starting with the people I live with, but this I feel is a good change, and a great start to my long term goals. I have learned that this is no longer a diet but a healthy way of life. I still crave fast food, and I think I always will, but I have the power to just keep driving by and hopefully I continue to do so to make it to day 42.

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