Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 54 take 2: Out with the supplements.

I don’t know what I was thinking, all of a sudden I remembered an episode of Family Ties or some 80 sitcom where one of the characters kept eating Flintstone’s Chewable Vitamins to get healthy and they ate so much their hair started to fall out. So I decided…I don’t know why to look up harmful side effects of Zinc and Vitamin C, I was shocked.

Zinc. I read that taking too much zinc can actually weaken the immune system, interfere with absorption of other minerals and lower HDL. In large doses, it can interfere with white blood cells and other defense systems that fight against infections and cancers. Umm, I threw that schitt out. I don’t need those problems I get plenty of reg zinc in the foods I eat, and in the daily men’s multivitamin

Vitamin C. Was just a crazy, I read this about my poor Vit C. Although too much vitamin C from your diet is unlikely to harm you, megadoses of vitamin C supplements can cause nausea, diarrhea, kidney stones and inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis). I threw that out too, I know from other people's experience that kidney stones are painful. They were expired anyway. LOL.

Im afraid to look up any more.

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